Our newest Hanging Basket Bracket design

Hanging Basket Bracket
I've come back from a week away to find our hanging baskets coming into full bloom. The two at the front door are Manchester Bees, and the one at the back door is a new design featuring a sheep and our border collie Bryn. An appropriate design given we live on a sheep farm, but this design is the closest he will be getting to herding any sheep! We love creating bespoke designs based on our customers pets - just get in touch and email over a clear side profile of them & we will work out a design.
Note the rust marks on the wall have nothing to do with our brackets, they are historic and one day I will get round to painting over them!
In our baskets we've put Marigolds and pansies for the Tortoise (flowers are his favourite food) plus various herbs and strawberries for us, so it will all be eaten. We can't trust the local wildlife so strawberries have to be grown high up after the twins were devastated when a particularly big and almost ripe strawberry disappeared one night!
If you are interested in a unique, hand forged hanging basket bracket, check out our range here. Bespoke designs are welcome.