Iron Wedding Anniversary Gifts

So it's not a big one like Gold or Silver, but did you know that 6th wedding anniversary gifts are traditionally made from Iron? It's such a useful and versatile material that there are actually loads of gift ideas here that can last a lifetime. Iron wedding anniversary gifts are full of symbolism too; as you move past the newly wed stage, couples will have encountered challenges along the way and this hardwearing material reflects the strengthening of their bond together. Around 350,000 couples got married in the UK in 2022 so in 6 years time that is a lot of people potentially looking for their Iron wedding anniversary gifts! Below are a few ideas taken from our online store to suit a range of budgets, but if what you are looking for is not here, feel free to contact us to discuss your ideas.

A bespoke weathervane can make a wonderful personalised gift - for example this wildlife photographer weathervane was designed to reflect the recipient's interests, making a really thoughtful gift to celebrate an Iron wedding anniversary. And with no charge for design work, it won't break the bank either.

Personalised bespoke weathervane

Or for a garden lover, a beautiful hand forged hanging basket bracket!

Hanging basket bracket

For those who love an evening outside by the fire, have a look at our stunning and unique firepit...


And finally these little candle holders are hand made from reclaimed forks...

Hand forged candle holder