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TIG stands for Tungsten Inert Gas. Tungsten refers to the non consumable electrode within the torch. Inert gas just means a gas that doesn't react ...
Certainly not the most exciting blog post I've ever written, but actually a pretty important one. Fixing your weathervane in the best possible way ...
I wanted to write a series of blog posts explaning the technical side of creating weathervanes and swinging signs, so our customers know exactly wh...
On the website it says that the business is 'run around family life', so I thought I'd write a post about what this looks like day to day, and how ...
A sign is the first thing customers notice about your business, and it’s a chance to make a statement and reflect the brand and character of the co...
When positioning a hanging basket it’s important to consider the aesthetics and also the optimum location for the plants to thrive. Here are some h...
To make the most of your bespoke weathervane from both a practical and a decorative perspective, it’s important to consider the placement and fixin...
Bespoke weathervanes are a popular way to add charm and character to your home. Here’s a look at some of the classic styles and how to find the per...
I've come back from a week away to find our hanging baskets coming into full bloom. The two at the front door are Manchester Bees, and the one at ...
Few metal adornments could be more evocative than a Lancaster bomber weathervane, with the iconic Second World War aircraft being instantly recogni...
It will soon be May, which brings the joy of two Bank Holiday weekends, and hopefully some warmer weather! It’s an ideal time to start sorting out ...
Whether it be birds, mammals or insects, they are all looking for the same things - a source of food and water, and a shelter where they are safe f...
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